congratulations in confetti

The Tribune:
"The Crothersville Elementary Music Department has jumped into spring full-force. Their annual spring concert, “Think Spring”, with each grade sharing their talents of singing, dancing, and motions was held recently."

WMPI Scottsburg:
Our April Teacher of the Month is Sara Salas! She is a Special Education Teacher at Crothersville Elementary! Congratulations from i105.3, Marco's Pizza & Bob Ward Insurance!

Jackson County Industrial Development Corporation:
Mock interviews were offered to Crothersville High School seniors this morning.

Of the 33 members of the Class of 2024, 18 participated in interviews. This allowed them to interact with local business professionals and get a feel for what an interview in the real world would be like.

We would like to thank Crothersville school officials for allowing us to offer this opportunity to seniors, and we would like to thank the following people for taking the time out of their schedule to help with the interviews:

Kasey Wischmeier, Schneck Medical Center

Daniel Phillips, D&D HVAC

Blake Everhart, Indiana Department of Natural Resources

Henry Riley, Aisin Drivetrain Inc.

Shaun Kendall, 3 to 1 Video

Kelly Doerflein, Child Care Network

It's important to note that two of the interviewers — Phillips and Kendall — are Crothersville graduates, so that offered them a unique opportunity to return to their alma mater, and it was a unique opportunity for the seniors to talk to someone who has gone on from CHS and succeeded.

We feel mock interviews are a valuable experience for the students, and we appreciate the seniors who participated.